Remarque : Tous les quiz de cette nature simplifient à l'extrême la complexité de la nature humaine : personne ne peut être soigneusement mis dans une boîte. Les résultats ne s’excluent donc PAS (en fait, la plupart des gens en auront plusieurs types). Ce quiz se veut divertissant et constitue un point de départ pour votre propre exploration et compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents de la procrastination. N'hésitez pas à explorer d'autres types et à voir ce qui vous parle.

Super-pouvoirs & Limites
Ton super-pouvoir est l'engagement. Tu es un travailleur acharné qui s’engage pleinement et qui possède peut-être même des super pouvoirs de planification.
Ce que tu es le plus susceptible de faire au lieu de ce que tu es censé faire c'est d'essayer de trouver le « meilleur/bon » moment/moyen de le faire.
Tu as du mal avec ton estime de toi. Tu perçois les attentes des autres plus aigument que la plus part des gens et tu as un perception de ta valeur externe et basé sur la réussite, ce qui t'amène à rechercher le contrôle.
Attention à la pensée binaire. Essaies de te surprendre à penser en binaire : « Je fais tout ou rien ! », « C'est bien ou c'est mal ».
Comment gérer votre procrastination inconsciente
1. Comprendre
Bien sûr, vous êtes intelligent et avez accompli de grandes choses (peut-être plus que vous ou d’autres pensées) ! Mais vous avez peur que quelqu'un VOUS DÉCOUVRE... Et s'ils réalisaient que vous n'êtes pas tout ce qu'ils pensaient être !!
« Être découvert » est la menace à laquelle votre système nerveux répond.
Et l’émotion (associée à la menace) que vous évitez est la HONTE.
Mais et si vous pouviez apprendre à votre cerveau/système nerveux que « c’est normal de NE PAS être parfait », que « les choses sont mieux faites que parfaites » !?
Tu peux.
2. Desensitise.
Imaginez que vous soyez allergique à « l’imparfait »/« l'incontrôlable » et que vous ayez juste besoin de vous désensibiliser. Bien sûr, à mesure que vous vous désensibilisez, cela peut devenir un peu irritant et inconfortable. Mais ça vaut le coup.
L’idée est de fixer un certain temps pour une tâche et de faire de son mieux pendant ce temps. Et c'est assez bien.
Dans mon programme de coaching de 6 mois, nous développons ensemble les stratégies exactes non seulement pour désensibiliser mais aussi pour prendre soin de votre système nerveux et de votre inconscient afin qu'il ne soit pas aussi réactif.

Superpowers & Limitations
Your superpower is you’re a rock.
As an over-doer you have a full life (in all the ways) and a low self-esteem. Yes it is a rich life but also an exhausting one: you are everywhere, helping everybody. You find it difficult to relax without feeling guilty or ashamed.
What you are most likely to be doing instead of what you need to is reorganising the kitchen drawer, or helping out a friend/colleague/family member.
You struggle with Choice.You don’t think you do because you make decisions all the time. But the thing is, decisions are based on desired & unwanted outcomes, choices are based on desires & values.
Watch out for “If only” thoughts…In your mind, “if only” you tried hard enough, just figure it out, had a better routine, THEN you’d have time to do all the things (including taking care of yourself) without letting anyone down.“If only”s keep you thinking that there is a world in which one can do it all and have it all without needing to choose/prioritise or miss out on anything, in which your time on earth in not finite.
How to deal with your unconscious procrastination
1. Understand
You are smart, loyal, dependable but you’re afraid of both disappointing others and missing out (FOMO).
CHoice is the threat your nervous systems is responding to.
And the emotion (associated with the threat) you’re avoiding, is BLAME/REGRETS.
But what if you could come to terms with your finitude (and the finitude of time)!? After all, there is only there are only 4000 weeks in your life (assuming to live to be 80yo). What if you could control things rather than have them controlling you. What if you could distinguish (and choose) demands from priorities, options from obligations?
You can.
2. Use your values as a filter
When you know your values, you have something against which you can evaluate your options and decide on your priorities. You can let go of FOMO and disappointing other because you are acting in alignement with your values.
Let’s say your values are: [Family, Fun and Freedom].
When you schedule something or put it on your to-do list you can ask yourself:
Is this benefiting [my family]? (And really think if doing the laundry REALLY benefits your family like you intend it to mean, or rather if a relaxed mom benefits your family more?”)
Is this fun / going to bring [fun] in my life?
Does this feel like (or will create) [freedom]?
In my 6 months coaching program, we identify clearly your values and I show you how to use them to make choice and decision-making sooo easy that you don't need "more time to think about it" and we spend that time solving for the value-based life you crave. Psst 🤫 that is also at the core of better planning, goal setting and even understanding your nervous system activations...

Superpowers & Limitations
Your superpower is you’re a humble and cautious.
As a worrier, you spend a lot of energy doubting yourself and the universe (what if you dropped the ball, what if the universe did!). You are dependent upon others for reassurance, nurturance, and help.
What you are most likely to be doing instead of what you need to is worrying about (or planning for) what could go wrong and asking for everyone else’s advice.
You struggle with change. Change (about the world, yourself, the outcome of things) creates a certain anxiety making you choose the “know” over the “unknown” every time… even when the known is failure and the unknown is trying.
Watch out for “I don’t know” and “I can’t”… Yes… what you tell yourself matters. Try noticing when you tell yourself (or others) “I don’t know” and follow up with “one thing I do know is…”. Same thing with “I can’t”. Notice it and follow up with “ I can’t … but I can…”
How to deal with your unconscious procrastination
1. Understand
You are kind and humble but you’re afraid of UNCERTAINTY.
That is the threat your nervous systems is responding to.
And the emotion (associated with the threat) you’re avoiding, is FEAR.
If only you could be less anxious about the unknown!? Imagine if you could have this inner knowing that “things will be fine” and the consciousness that “not making choice/taking action, is, in fact, a choice”?
You can.
2. Look for clarity instead of certainty
Clarity is knowing why rather than what, the direction rather than the destination and that provide great comfort to worrier. Here is a podcast episode on the topic
3. Practice being uncomfortable
I’m not talking about getting out naked on the street, or going to sing in front of people at the karaoke bar (although you could). I’m thinking of much smaller steps. (Just like perfectionists) imagine you are allergic to discomfort. How can you desensitise? How can you stretch your “comfort zone”?
I call myself "The Clarity Wizard" and that is NOT for nothing. I have a knack for getting to the essential. In my 6 months coaching program, we do that every week until it becomes second nature to you because when you've got clarity you don't need certainty. But that is not all. you also learn to recognise and manage your nervous system activations so you can get out the loops of "I look for certainty" so "I feel stuck" (because it doesn't exist) and "I feel stuck" so I look for certainty"; and build SELF-TRUST (not only in your head but from acquired experience).

Superpowers & Limitations
Your superpower is you're a giver who doesn't spare any efforts AND your acquired desire for SIMPLE.
Because nowadays, you constantly think that life is too complicated. You cup (a.k.a capacity) is empty, so you have no energy for tackling anything, let alone complicated things.
What you are most likely to be doing instead of what you need to is nothing… or maybe just staring at your screen, your to-do list… waiting for the moment you’ll “zap out if it”.
You struggle with complexity... but really it's with energy. It’s a vicious cycle, you don’t have energy/capacity so things feel hard/complicated. Things feel hard/ complicated so it drains the little energy you have.
Watch out for (energy/capacity) leaks. Like worriers, you might be spending a great amount of time thinking about what is wrong. How difficult things and other people are. Trying to play out in your head the ideal scenarios that would make things different. BUT ruminating about how things COULD be simpler is an energy leak you can’t afford. Things are the way they are. Fighting it is fighting against reality. You won’t win.
How to deal with your unconscious procrastination
1. Understand
You are kind, fun (or use to be) and long for connection except it feels like LIFE HAS BEEN DRAINED OUT OF YOU.
That is the threat your nervous systems is responding to (getting more drained).
And the emotion (associated with the threat) you’re avoiding, is OVERWHELM.
If only you could… make it easier, simpler. Imagine if things could feel “not so big”, “manageable”, “doable”?
You can.
2. Do less.
That sounds obvious but I bet you are not doing it.
You might be thinking you are (because you are physically unable to do as much as you use to) but you are still doing to much… or rather… too big!! We feel overwhelmed when things FEELS too big (no matter if it’s an email to write or a presentation to give).
So the "trick" is to break it down into the smallest steps and focus ONLY on the first one until you've done it.
I know ...it's easier said than done...especially if you've been a high-achiever... but you can do it!!
If there's ones girl who gets it, it's this one 🤗!!! I published 10 scientific papers out of my PhD and then some more, yet I experience great capacity shifts when I successively had my twins, a burnout AND a concussion... yet three years later, I'm running my business!
If you're an "out of juice", in my 6 months coaching program, I'll teach you the exact skills you need to manage and (re)grow your nervous system capacity.

Superpowers & Limitations
Your superpower is you are smart and fun.
However, you are easily bored and resist the “dullness” of doing things rationally and methodically. You tend to dramatize situations and make yourself the center of attention (often inadvertently). You tend to ignore tasks then feel intensely caught ip in it. You feel most alive living on the edge.
What you are most likely to be doing instead of what you need to is getting irritated / angry when reminded to do the thing and then distract until the last minute.
You struggle with plans and deadlines. It’s a love-hate relationship. You need deadlines to make things happen but ti also feels like a big weight over your head. So you turn this “obligation” into dare.
Watch out for extreme thinking and polarised language. When discussing a task, notice how you speak. Are you focusing on the positive or negative? Are you being polarising (using never, always, too…)? Are you creating a crisis?
How to deal with your unconscious procrastination
1. Understand
As a crisis-maker, you are driven by excitement, rewards and have a bit of a saviour/superman complex (hello dopamine). This is a type often associated with ADHD. It makes you great at acting under short deadlines or pressure. You are the one we want on our team for a 2h turnover workshop, or an escape game!! The issue is you can’t stand BOREDOM!!.
And boredom (or the perception that a task will be dull) is the threat your nervous systems responding to when you procrastinate.
But what if you trick yourself into getting excited!!?
You can. And... you should!
2. Learn about how your dopamine system works
Simply put, dopamine acts on areas of the brain to give you feelings of pleasure, satisfaction and motivation. It's also involved in addiction.
Right now, your brain is addicted to the "risk" of not meeting the deadline and the "pleasure" to save the day.
But you could feed it other pleasures... you could teach it out to get pleasure from other self-motivators besides stress (like flow, purpose, etc).
It only takes will and practice (practice is how the dopamine system works... every time you do something with a positive outcome, you brain releases dopamine which reinforces the learning and creates pleasure)... and maybe a little hypnosis to make it easier :).​
Imagine if you could feel that"high" from doing the things you actually want to do and know exactly how to do it. If you're an "thrill-seeker", in my 6 months coaching program, I'll help you identify your self-motivators and use them to rewire that unconscious brain of yours.

Superpowers & Limitations
Your superpower is thinking outside the box and your faith in the Universe/Life.
As a dreamer, you pay little attention to facts or details but can think and dream big: from a dream adventure to re-thinking the world... You do this so well, in fact, that you get easily distracted and don’t understand why others don’t see your specialness.
What you are most likely to be doing instead of what you need to is taking a break… that one TV show turned into 3… oops!
You struggle with distraction. You don’t believe life should be hard (and you are right) but you take it too far. You want every minute of your life to be fun and for the Universe to provide. So you easily get “distracted” or pulled away towards more fun things…and suddenly that study session you organised turns into a discussion on how y’all could open a microbrewery!!!.
Watch out for “I wish”, “I’ll try to”, “I’d like to”… As a dreamer, you tend to express wishes rather than to decide/take control of where you want things to go. So, catch yourself saying in, and then rephrase with “I will”.
How to deal with your unconscious procrastination
1. Understand
You are fun, sociable and charismatic, but you pull away from things that seem difficult or distressing, hoping your charms will get you out of it. You hate facing REALITY…
And reality is the threat your nervous systems responding to when you procrastinate.
And the emotion (associated with the threat) you’re avoiding is DISAPPOINTMENT.
'Cause reality can be disappointing!! And what if you weren’t that special after all!?
But what if you could influence your reality? What if you could design it?
You can. How?
2. Realise that your goals are actually wishes...
I know.. it stings... but "going to the gym" is not actually a goal, it's a wish. And so is "start to do music".
Here is a podcast episode I recorded on goals.​
3. Decide what kind of person you want to be and make it a “non-negotiable”.
This supports your goals and make the reality of life much less disappointing.
For example: Deciding “I’m someone that goes to the gym everyday” and making it non-negotiable will support your goal of getting/staying in shape.
Imagine if you could make your dreams happen rather than just talk about them!? If you could run towards your dreams rather than away from other people's...
If you're an "dreamer", in my 6 months coaching program, I'll help you identify your actual goals and the identity and mental shifts you want but also how to manage your brain and your nervous system when you do get disappointed (so it looses it's grip on you)!
Come join the Over-achievers' Club!!
Want a friendly guide to help you to implement the above recommendations, and finally activate that “sh*t!! I really am the boss of me” factor?
I've got you!!
I'm Déborah Le Corre, Clarity Wizard and Hypno-coach.
All of 2024, I'll running my Over-achievers' Club 6 month 1:1 coaching program for introverted, concussed, neurodiverse and/or deep-feeling over-achievers who want to develop the skills to get through life more lightly, easily and purposefully.
Imagine understanding exactly how your minds is working at the nervous system / unconscious level (this is the stuff no one else teaches you)…
… and knowing exactly how to influence yourself to make things a no-brainer.
On top of that, you'll get first and free access to all the content I'm developing this year.